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Pediatric Cancer Initiatives

Everyday 47 kids ages 0-19 are diagnosed with cancer in the US; 100,000 children are affected every day worldwide. It’s time to go the extra mile to help fight childhood cancer!Today, we have a “one time” opportunity to make an immense difference in the lives of hundreds of young children who have been diagnosed with childhood cancer.   Lions and Leos provide support for the needs of children and families affected by childhood cancer.  The Forest Lions Club & Foundation has made it part of our mission to serve these brave young patients during their treatment and beyond. 


District 24C Carilion Pediatric Cancer Project

The 24C district cabinet approved a project initiative with Carilion Cancer Center. This project will provide necessary educational and play
items to equip the new multipurpose patient/family waiting area in their new Pediatric Oncology Clinic. An estimated completion date is scheduled for the end of 2025. While we are actively providing non-medical needs for childhood cancer patients, this project will make the impact of D24C Lions more effective and more visible with area naming rights and district-wide recognition and publicity.

D24C Project Goal Reached:  $150,000 Raised!


Pediatric Care Bags

The Jefferson Forest High School organized several fundraisers throughout the school year and made bags for pediatric cancer patients while they are undergoing treatments.  Each bag has a hand written card with messages of hope and support from "kids serving kids" along with games, puzzles and snacks. 


Roc Solid Build

Roc Solid is a pediatric cancer foundation that builds hope for families fighting cancer through our playset and Ready Bag programs. Join us to build hope.  Along with the Forest Lions Club & Foundation, a playground will be constructed for one of our local pediatric cancer patients.  For more information on Roc Solid, please click on the link below.  To get involved, contact us!

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